Age: 125
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In the 70s and 80s when more films were made and you had a large pool of directors then new directors did assist.
Javed Fazil who is currently the best director on TV and a very successful film director used to assist S.Suleman. Syed Noor before becoming a writer in the late 1970s also assisted S.Suleman at one time.
Most of our actors and actersses who have taken up direction is basically from their experience in working in films.
Its basically the TV directors who have come in to films have struggled the most and they need training.
Currently Rukhsana Noor is in the US and is completing her course in Direction.
We need filmaking to be taught at more colleges and Universities and need a international standard film academy.
We do have the talent but what about learning the basics.
Age: 125
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Saeed Rizvi's all three films were very different then the normal Pakistani films. First came Shaani, secondly Sarkita Insaan and then Talismee Jazeera which was co-produced with the Russians.
Few years back his last Pakistani film was Dil Bi tera hum bi tere which was a routine film shot in Thailand and flopped.
Agree with you Mr.Nice guy we need people like Saeed Rizvi. The time has come that people from Karachi come forward and take over the film industry.
Age: 125
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Talking of a film on the young generation just saw Mujhe Chand Chahiye on DVD last night. What a film. I have seen it few times but I still love it. The film is not available in Pakistan on DVD. I got the print here in UK. Its a good print with English subtitles.
It not just Reema who is getting heavily influened by the Indians even Humayoun Saeed is doing the same thing and they are others. Then you have channels like Geo who are telecasting the Film Fare awards live and are boasting about it.
It is a sad fact but here I Salute people like Shoaib Mansoor and Saqib Malik who have full faith in Paksiani talent.
By the way according to an Urdu Daily Rahat Ali Khan is going to India soon to give music to Sanjay Leena Bansani's next film. If it is true then this is some news.
Love to see what the likes of Reema and Hamayoun Saeed have to say.
Age: 125
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Taify are you trying to say that Irum Hasan and Resham are lesbians and are in a relationship. Well this could be the first for Pakistan a lesbian marriage.
Age: 125
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Saima is to hold a press conference today with the rest of the cast and she will be giving more details about Majajan and the final confirmed release date which should be the 17th March.
The publicity manager which has been hired by Saima is the same person who did the publicity for YDAKH, KTSIPH and KTSK.
Can someone tell me how good is the publicity campaign in Pakistan.
Age: 125
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I am also very impressed with his views. Whats even better that atleast someone has the courage to speak his mind and pinpoint the harsh realities which we are facing.
I just hope that our government listens to people like Rashid Khawaja because it is basically the government who is destroying the entertainment industry in Pakistan.
Its the government which has discouraged creative thinking and in turn has destroyed performing arts in our country.
The talent without doubt is there and in that regard we are very fortunate.
We must wake up before it is too late because we are quickly loosing our own identity.
Age: 125
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yoyo where have read about Majajan having technical problems.
Saima is going to have a press conference very soon where probably everything will be resolved. I can't see the film getting postponed again.
Film star Saima will hold a press conference regarding the release of her film Majajan. She will reveal the reasons that made her delay her film’s release.
The film will be the first jewel in Saima's crown as a producer. She is also playing the lead role. And you know the film is directed by none other than her godfather in the film industry, Syed Noor.
Age: 125
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The film was intially to released on the 3rd and then there was the call for the nationwide strike. Later on in that thread I have given the 17th as release date.
Age: 125
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Well, yeah you've heard it right. Ahmed Jahanzeb is recording songs for Shoaib Mansoor's 1st movie Khuda Ke Liye, he will be singing in for Shaan and from what we’ve heard, Fawad of EP is also in the movie and none other then Shuja Haider will be singing for him in the movie! So let’s see what happens!
One thing which I can't understand that the shooting of the film is complete and its in post production then why is our media reporting the above unless they have to still shoot the songs.
Any how at last one will not hear Indian singers voices in a big Pakistani movie.
Well done Shoaib Mansoor just wish that others can learn from you.
Age: 125
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The release date of Majajan has been changed and the good news is that it will know be released on 17th March. In Lahore it is getting released at Metropole.
Age: 125
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These production houses want to release big hollywood films in Pakistan. They see Pakistan as a big market with over 150 million people and the building of new cineplexes will help bring the audiences back to watch films on the big screen.
The reason biggest reason they left are piracy, the standard of Cinemas halls in Pakistan. All so numerous Cinema halls have also closed down over the years in Pakistan.
These things still exist in Pakistan but they looking to the future especially in the next 5 years and they see things improving.
Age: 125
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Majajan won't be released on 3rd March but the new date is 17th April. The film's release has been put back because of the nationwide strike on 3rd March.
If the reason for the delay is the strike then Majajan could have been released on the 10th March the following week but why delay it for another 6 weeks.
Age: 125
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The latest on this film is that Faraz who is the hero and the producer of this film has said in an interview that the film will be released in the next few weeks. Probably some time in March.
Uraan does have an interesting subject. The film is based on how men use women to achieve their objectives.
Faraz said the story of the film is based on true events regarding two girls.
Faraz also said not to see this film with your wife.
The film is going to be released in the next few weeks and by all accounts it sounds good but no publicity and hardly anyone has heard about it.
Very surprising.
Below is the article in full but in Udru and is taken from the Daily Jinnah.
Age: 125
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Not only Mughle Azam but Sohni Maiwal and Taj Mahal have also got the censor certificate. Those people who have been dying to see Indian films on the big screen for the last 2 years will finally get them to see it.
We all now who this is going to benefit and what future our industry holds after Indians films get shown in Pakistani Cinemas.
The cast and crew of Kabhi Pyar Na Karna are shortly going to India again to shoot for another song. Once they complete this song and alot of the shooting in Pakistan has already been completed one should see this film getting released.
Mohabattain Sachain is getting released on 11th August. Recently Shehzad Rafiq was in India to process the portion of the film which he has shot so.
Tere Liye's producer is Hamayun Saeed and not Shehzad Rafiq and Hamayun was recently in India where he had the music of Tere Liye recorded.